FreePac Relentless

FreePac Relentless our featured artist is one of the newest, most original artists available on the music scene right now. Out performing many artists all around the world, creating his own style in itself, many artists can come close to the talent presented by FreePac Relentless, but none ever surpass the feeling of inderpendant, insperational popular music this artist creates!

Never asks for additional help with production, all own sourced abilities. Always creating new & upcoming music to appeal to the masses, has even taken the time to do colabs with other artists. A great talent, business ability & manners makes this artist unstoppable.

FreePac Relentless is now undertaking licening deals with publishers, in addition to having his first album on sale all over the digital market place. First sold his album over his block his music is sucessful & appealing. In the pipeline there is more to come, we're sure that you will be seeing more of this artist in the years to come. Always keep an open eye & get a copy of any music published by this artist on One Star Superior International Records, its the only place you will find him these days!


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